The Fukushima Daiichi accident, Covid-19 and threats from climate change highlight unexpected risks. The EUROSAFE 2021 Forum will address the role of TSOs facing these new challenges and rising expectations from society.
These themes will be discussed by nuclear safety experts and society stakeholders to help prepare for future events. Younger generations will play a key part and will present their projects in a science slam.
The forum will consist of technical seminars and panel discussions. A TSO Café will allow informal exchanges over coffee.
PROGRAM (updated)
The abstracts of each seminar can be found below in the programm in the seminars.
Monday, 22 November 2021
08:00 – 09:00
Welcome Coffee
09:00 – 10:00
Opening ceremony
Opening address
by Jean-Christophe Niel, Director General of IRSN, France
Uwe Stoll, ETSON President, Director General of GRS, Germany
replaced by Michel Van haesendonck, ETSON Vice-president, Director General of Bel V, Belgium
ETSON 10-year anniversary clip
Conclusions of the Conference on a decade of progress after Fukushima-Daiichi
by Lydie Evrard, Deputy Director General, Head of the Department of Nuclear Safety and Security at the IAEA
10:00 - 12:15
Technical Seminars
Seminar 1a - Nuclear installation safety assessment - Grand Salon
101 - Impulse speech - Development of TSO capacity in Turkey Yusuf Ceylan (NÜTED, Turkey)
102 - The Role of the Technical Support Organisation in Defending against Regulatory Capture Thomas Blaxall (Jacobs, United Kingdom)
103 - COVID-19 management in German nuclear facilities – Reconciling health protection and nuclear safety Manuela Jopen (GRS, Germany)
104 - Recent Developments in the Assessment of Hazard Combinations Christian Strack (GRS, Germany)
111 - Results obtained within the H2020 IVMR project in support of investigating the feasibility of successfully achieving In-Vessel Melt Retention by ex-vessel Thibaut Van Rompuy (Bel V, Belgium)
112 - Analysis of Loss of Cooling Accident at a Generic CANDU Type Spent Fuel Pool Marin Constantin (RATEN ICN, Romania)
113 - Application and Qualification of MELCOR for Simulating VVER Technology in Severe Accident Scenarios Alain Flores Y Flores (CV Rez, Czech Republic)
201 - Safety of dry storage of German spent research and test reactor fuels Olivier Bartos (GRS, Germany)
202 - Numerical simulation of shock absorber used for safeguard of the spent nuclear fuel casks with spent fuel in case dropping Egidijus Babilas (LEI, Lithuania)
203 - The Pathway Evaluation Process serious game to explore the complexity of a safe long term radioactive waste management: a first experience with Civil Society in Belgium Valéry Detilleux (Bel V, Belgium)
204 - Predisposal Waste Management and Decommissioning of the Finnish FiR1 Research Reactor Erika Holt, (VTT, Finland)
Seminar 3 - Radiation protection, environment and emergency preparedness and response - Room 2.4
301 - Benchmarking on Assessment of Radiological Consequences (BARCO): First Results and further Challenges Yurii Kyrylenko (SSTC NRS, Ukraine)
302 - Assessment of airplane crash accident on RBMK type reactor building after plant final shutdown Algirdas Kaliatka (LEI, Lithuania)
303 - Intercomparison of RASCAL 4.3 and ldX Radiological Consequences for a Severe Accident at the Spent Fuel Pool of the Krško NPP Antonio Guglielmelli (ENEA, Italy)
304 - Investigation of radionuclides in North of Europe in June 2020 Jean-Jacques Ingremeau (IRSN, France)
"TOSCA, TSO capacity self-assessment methodology" at IAEA booth by Guido Bracke (IAEA)
"Demo of OPENRADIATION and initaitives on openness to society" side event at IRSN booth
Nicole Ginoux (Ground floor)
13:45 – 16:00
Technical Seminars (cont'd)
Seminar 1a - Nuclear installation safety assessment - Grand Salon
105 - Impulse speech - Overview of IAEA activites on SMR and PSA activities Jorge Luis- Hernandez (IAEA)
106 - Resilience and Safety in Complex Systems – Evaluating Human Machine Interfaces in Nuclear Power Plants under modern Safety Paradigms Hervé Mbonjo (GRS, Germany)
107 - The main requirements for seismic stability of a nuclear power plant in the safety regulations of the Russian Federation Ivan Lobodenko (SEC NRS, Russia)
108 - 4th periodic safety review in France Axelle Portier (IRSN, France)
Seminar 1b - Nuclear installation safety research - Auditorium Moebius
115 - The MUSA PROJECT: Management and Uncertainties of Severe Accidents Fulvio Mascari (ENEA, Italy)
116 - Source Term Evaluation following MBLOCA and SBLOCA Scenarios in a generic KONVOI-1300 NPP by means of the ASTEC Code Fabrizio Gabrielli (KIT, Germany)
Will be presented through pre-recorded presentation by Eva-Maria Pauli (Framatome GmbH)
205 - Sorption parameter uncertainty propagation in reactive transport modeling using the example of cesium diffusion in clay Wilfried Pfingsten (PSI, Switzerland)
206 - Reduction of the activation of an accelerator used for radio-isotopes production: all benefits for the dismantling Frédéric Schmitz (Bel V, Belgium)
207 - Research and development support to nuclear decommissioning and environmental remediation at JRC Francesco Raiola (JRC)
208 - Explosion safety of organic water-soluble compounds and nitric acid solutions evaporation during SNF and RW treatment Aleksey Rodin (SEC NRS, Russia)
306 - New software for Airborne radiation monitoring applications – AGAMA Marcel Ohera (SÚRO, Czech republic)
307 - Current and Perspective Methods of Evaluation of Activity Equivalent in Spent Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Sergey Makovsky (SEC NRS, Russia)
Meeting for seminar feedback finalization / Coffee break
16:30 – 18:00
ETSON Award Science Slam organized by ETSON's Junior Staff Programme (JSP)
Announcement of the ETSON Award Science Slam winner 2021
18:00 – 19:00
Speech on Expertise and democracy, impact of mistrust
by Daniel Agacinski (French Defender of Rights)
19:00 – 20:00
20:00 – 23:00
Gala dinner
Welcome speeches
by Jean-Christophe Niel, Director General of IRSN, France
and Bernard Doroszczuk, President of ASN, France
Tuesday, 23 November 2021
08:00 – 09:00
Welcome Coffee
09:00 – 09:05
Conference on “Enhancing nuclear safety and radiation protection with contribution of the society”
by Jean-Christophe Niel, Director General of IRSN, France
09:05 – 09:45
Panel 1: Feedback from seminars
Uwe Stoll, ETSON President, Director General of GRS, Germany replaced by Michel Van haesendonck, ETSON Vice-president, Director General of Bel V (Chair)
Seminar chairs
09:45 – 11:15
Panel 2: Role of the society in nuclear safety and radiation protection by
Massimo Garribba (Deputy Director-General, Coordination of Euratom policy, Europen Commission) (Chair)
Masaharu Tsubokura (Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine, Japan) pre-recorded
Ryoko Ando (ETHOS, Japan) pre-recorded
Caroline Schieber (SHARE)
Yves Lheureux (ANCCLI, France)
Benoît Bettinelli (HCTISN, France)
Tommi Nyman (VTT, Finland)
11:15 – 11:45
TSO Café & lunch
11:45 – 13:15
Panel 3: Upcoming challenges in nuclear safety cooperation in Europe and beyond
Khammar Mrabit (Director General of AMSSNuR, Maroc) (Chair)
Lydie Evrard (Deputy Director General, Head of the Department of Nuclear Safety and Security at the IAEA)
Massimo Garribba (Deputy Director-General, Coordination of Euratom policy, Europen Commission)
Olivier Gupta (President of WENRA, Director General of ASN, France)
Uwe Stoll, ETSON President, Director General of GRS, Germany replaced by Michel Van haesendonck, ETSON Vice-president, Director General of Bel V
13:15 – 13:30
Closing session
Announcement of the TSO Conference 2022
by Alexander Khamaza, Director General of SEC NRS, Russia
Closing address by Jean-Christophe Niel, Director General of IRSN, France
13:30 – 15:00
Lunch break - buffet
EUROSAFE 2021 is a free event.
Extend your stay and attend the Fukushima 2021 conference
As the safety of our guests is our top priority, a layered approach to health measures will be implemented throughout the “Beffroi de Montrouge”, including required wearing of protective face masks and enhanced cleaning measures.
As the situation is constantly evolving and varies depending on your country of origin, we invite you to consult the European Union website to have the latest information on the conditions to enter France.
According to information available from the French government, as of the issue date of this page, a Health Pass must be presented in paper or digital format which includes a QR Code - including the EU digital COVID-19 certificate, or equivalent for non-European Union countries, which fulfills one of the following criteria:
That a guest is fully vaccinated (with an EMA-approved vaccine):
7 days after the second shot for two-shot vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca);
Four weeks after the shot for one-shot vaccines (Johnson & Johnson);
7 days after the shot for vaccines administered to people who have already had COVID-19 (only one dose is necessary).
OR that a guest has been tested (PCR or Antigen) and has a negative result within the last 72 hours;
OR for persons who have had COVID-19: the result of a positive RT-PCR or Antigen test, attesting that the individual has been infected, and that a period of time of at least 11 days and less than 6 months has passed since the test result was obtained (considered as a recovery certificate).
Here is a list of pharmacies close to the site of the event that do antigenic tests.
For more information on the Health Pass, including the latest updates, we invite you to visit the French government website.
Guests are being asked to carry with them valid proof of identity should there be spot checks by the police to verify the name on their Health Pass.
Eurosafe 2021 will be held at the beautiful Beffroi de Montrouge at the edge of Paris (500 m from Porte d’Orléans and directly accessible by subway).
The neighborhood of the Beffroi de Montrouge benefits from a large accommodation capacity.
Preferential rates have been negotiated with the Mercure Paris Alesia Hotel (see rates here). If you wish to book a room, please send an email to: mentioning Eurosafe 2021.
If you have any question about Eurosafe 2021, please contact us at
EUROSAFE is ETSON´s annual international conference on nuclear safety and security, radioactive waste management and radiological protection. Since 1999, this event brings together representatives of technical safety organisations, research institutes, public authorities, power utilities, the nuclear industry and non-governmental organisations from all over Europe and beyond to inform about and discuss current developments in research and technology. Originally founded by the former EUROSAFE Initiative, the EUROSAFE conferences are hosted alternately by BelV, GRS and IRSN on behalf of ETSON.
The EUROSAFE conference offers a broad variety of relevant content in various formats. The conference´s plenary part is devoted to lectures by high-profile representatives of different stakeholders in nuclear safety. It is also the setting of the science slam in which young experts from ETSON member organisations compete for the ETSON Award which is organised by ETSON´s Junior Staff Programme. The latest technical-scientific activities and findings of ETSON members are presented and discussed in several seminars. The TSO Café provides for an excellent opportunity to meet experts from ETSON member organisations and other stakeholders.
Proceedings, abstracts and presentations from previous EUROSAFE conferences are available here: