News from ETSON and its members*

26 Apr 2021 | SSTC NRS | Rivne Newspicture Rivne-1 Can Be Operated until 2030

Upon review of the Periodic Safety Review Report for Rivne-1, the Board of the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine allowed long-term operation of Rivne-1 until 22 December 2030.

26 Apr 2021 | SURO | National Radiation Protection Institute (SÚRO) introduction newspicture Introduction of the National Radiation Protection Institute (SÚRO), Czech Republic

The National Radiation Protection Institute (SURO) is a non-profit organization established by the State Office for Nuclear Safety (SUJB, Czech regulatory authority in the field of in the peaceful utilisation of nuclear energy and ionizing radiation) in 1995.

26 Apr 2021 | SURO Experience from a targeted professional disinformation campaign in the field of radiation protection in 2017

In the area of radiation protection, many subjects influence laypeople´s attitudes. In the last years, media became a powerful player in this field. In this perspective the problem arises that it is possible to misuse the media for political or ideological purposes. The Czech Republic faced a professional disinformation campaign in the field of radiation protection for the first time in 2017.

26 Apr 2021 | SURO | Large scale monitoring of radioiodine in thyroid: equipment and preparedness in the Czech Republic newspicture Large scale monitoring of radioiodine in thyroid: equipment and preparedness in the Czech Republic

A system has been developed by SÚRO in the collaboration with the company Envinet, a.s. (now NUVIA) for the large-scale monitoring of accidental radioiodine thyroid dose in population. Six gamma-ray spectrometry scintillation units equipped with collimators are connected to at least two PC stations for registration of measured subjects and operation of the units.

26 Apr 2021 | SURO | Automatic system for two HPGe detectors for measurements of extremely low activity samples newspicture Automatic system for two HPGe detectors for measurements of extremely low activity samples

The new automatic high efficiency gamma spectrometric measuring system was developed in close cooperation of SURO, Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, Czech Technical University in Prague and NUVIA company. The equipment is intended for sensitive measurement in deep underground laboratories such as LSM Modane (“Zero dose environment“).

26 Apr 2021 | SURO | Low Radon Cleanroom for Surface and Underground Laboratories newspicture Low Radon Cleanroom for Surface and Underground Laboratories

Low radon cleanroom for surface or underground laboratories is a new technology able to achieve at the same time very low aerosol concentrations in terms of ISO standard (ISO 1999) and very low radon concentration levels of 10-100 mBq·m-3  (reduce radon concentration in comparison to outdoor by a factor 1000).

26 Apr 2021 | SURO | Autonomous station for measurements of artificial gamma activity in surface water bodies newspicture Autonomous station for measurements of artificial gamma activity in surface water bodies

In the field of emergency preparedness we can see a general trend to maximize utilization of continuous measurements performed by automatic and autonomous devices. National Radiation Protection Institute (SURO) in collaboration with NUVIA introduced an automatic “stand-alone” system for continuous monitoring of artificial gamma radioactivity in surface water bodies.

26 Apr 2021 | SURO | RAMESIS - support of Citizen Monitoring Network in the Czech Republic newspicture RAMESIS - support of Citizen Monitoring Network in the Czech Republic

Support of Citizen Monitoring in Czechia has been performed for almost ten years based on the results of RAMESIS research project  “Radiation Monitoring network for institutions and schools to ensure early awareness and enhance safety of citizens”.


26 Apr 2021 | Vuje | Status of standardization and validation of the SPT method for using in nuclear power industry newspicture Status of standardization and validation of the SPT method for using in nuclear power industry

Although ASTM standard was finally approved and officially published in 2020, and CEN FprEN 10371:2020 is about to be published soon, the validation of the SPT method keeps going amongs laboratories over the world.

26 Apr 2021 | Vuje | SafeG: SAFETY OF GFR THROUGH INNOVATIVE MATERIALS, TECHNOLOGIES AND PROCESSES newspicture SafeG: Safety of GFR through Innovative Materials, Technologies and Processes

The SafeG project was recently approved for co-financing by the EC within the H2020 Euratom programme. SafeG project, coordinated by VUJE company, gathers 15 research organizations and universities from Europe and Japan. The global objective is to further develop the GFR technology and strengthen its safety by solving the open issues concerning the GFR technology and it´s demonstrator ALLEGRO.

26 Apr 2021 | Vuje | Use of artificial intelligence for the needs of the transmission system operator newspicture Use of artificial intelligence for the needs of the transmission system operator

Artificial intelligence methods are widely used in various areas of life. Even in the power engineering it is possible to solve many tasks using artificial intelligence and machine learning methods.

15 Mar 2021 | PSI | Deep geological disposal of radioactive waste in clay rocks newspicture Deep geological disposal of radioactive waste in clay rocks

What happens to the diffusive properties and the porosity when cement and clay come in contact? At PSI, scientists are studying cement and clay as sealing materials in underground repositories for radioactive waste.

15 Mar 2021 | Jacobs | New orbit for nuclear know-how newspicture New orbit for nuclear know-how

When a spacecraft embarks on a 30-year mission to the outer galaxy, how can we assess whether it is capable of surviving the harsh conditions it will encounter?
One possible answer is by tapping into the accumulated materials science knowledge of the nuclear industry

15 Mar 2021 | ENEA | Progress on the proposal of the National Repository for radioactive waste in Italy newspicture Progress on the proposal of the National Repository for radioactive waste in Italy

Public consultation on the procedure for the location, construction and operation of the National Radioactive Waste Repository and Technological Park in Italy

15 Mar 2021 | PSI | Calculation to experiment comparison for the subchannel (SC) coolant temperature in mixed and forced convection conditions newspicture Nuclear Data – Towards a Stronger Link between Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Simulations

Calculational evolution helps in bringing together different aspects of nuclear physics, namely “nuclear reaction theory” and “reactor physics”.

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