16 Nov 2020

SSTC NRS Invites You to Become an Author in Nuclear and Radiation Safety Journal

New magazine design (© SSTC NRS)
New magazine design (© SSTC NRS)

The State Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety presents a new design of the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Journal.

Last year, we presented a new identity of our company and now we have an updated journal design owing to the joint efforts of all editorial board members. It became more up-to-date, bright and no less relevant.

Despite the change in the cover, the journal will continue publication of advanced research efforts in the area of nuclear and radiation safety. We are happy to state that new and new authors who represent the world’s best institutions dealing with nuclear and radiation safety are joining the journal.

The tasks of the editorial board are to create information space to efficiently exchange findings of scientific, technical and analytical efforts on nuclear and radiation safety and to collect and prepare analytical and information reports on nuclear and radiation safety at Ukrainian nuclear power plants for publishing. In addition, one of our priority tasks is to involve the scientific potential of Ukraine and the world in solving relevant issues of nuclear and radiation safety program through the publication of information on development programs and actual problems of nuclear industry.

Scientific papers published in the journal cover nuclear energy use and other nuclear energy aspects such as the theory and design of reactors, plant operation, research reactors, engineering safety and reactor measurements. The authors study issues regarding nuclear fuel, structural materials and fuel elements. A significant part of the publications focus on neutron physics, general safety issues, decommissioning of nuclear facilities, spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste management, radiation safety, instrumentation and control systems, etc. Therefore, it should be mentioned that a part of the methods and programs described in scientific papers were approved and implemented in nuclear and radiation safety practices.

The Nuclear and Radiation Safety Journal is intended to become a scientific forum for scientists. Such a creative platform uniting like-minded people contributes to the development of science and intellectual exchange between scientists and practitioners in general and provides a proper approach to the solution of relevant nuclear and radiation safety issues in Ukraine and worldwide.

For additional information on the publication of papers in the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Journal, please follow the link.



Tetiana Verbytska
State Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SSTC NRS)