18 Jan 2021

Kraken renews VTT’s reactor analysis code base

The work on Kraken started recently and has proceeded to the first validation calculations for operating cycle simulations. Transient simulations will soon follow. Kraken combines Finnish codes for reactor analysis in a modular fashion with its aim at conducting independent deterministic safety analyses for current and upcoming reactors as well as functioning as a research and teaching tool. As the framework builds on existing solvers for core neutronics, thermal hydraulics and fuel behavior, Kraken has already proceeded to its first operating cycle simulations in 2020. The next two years will see its application to transient modelling.

A schematic representation of the planned couplings in the Kraken framework. The solvers marked in yellow are developed at VTT while potential external tools are represented in orange. (© VTT)
A schematic representation of the planned couplings in the Kraken framework. The solvers marked in yellow are developed at VTT while potential external tools are represented in orange. (© VTT)

While Kraken mostly consists of solvers developed at VTT, couplings to current best practices codes from other parties are not neglected. For example, the work for incorporating the system code TRACE as a part of the Kraken framework starts in 2021.

In addition to giving VTT a new set of state-of-the-art tools for reactor analysis, the development of Kraken serves an important role in building new source code level expertise for the next generation of Finnish reactor analysis specialists.


Ville Valtavirta
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd