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    Renewal of Practical Agreement between ETSON and IAEA

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    News from the latest ETSON Board and General Assembly meeting

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    ETSON: an independent contributor to the European Industrial Alliance on Small Modular Reactors

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News from ETSON and its members*

22 Jun 2021 | VTT

The reactor water level measurement became unreliable during the Fukushima accident. VTT has analyzed the behavior of the measurement system at unit 2.

22 Jun 2021 | RATEN ICN

ALFRED infrastructure was designed as a Research Infrastructure of global relevance on the HLM and LFR technology.

22 Jun 2021 | RATEN ICN

Different concepts for nuclear heavy water reactors fuel bundles were compared and analysed from the thermo-mechanical point of view by using specific computer codes.

22 Jun 2021 | EK CER

Centre for Energy Research (EK) in Budapest, Hungary was designated as the first Collaborating Centre in Nuclear Forensics of the IAEA in 2016 which was prolonged this year till 2025. The Centre provides laboratory, research and training capacity, expertise, and mentoring opportunities together with scientific collaborations in the field of nuclear security.

17 May 2021 | JSI

Accurate prediction of the convective single- and two-phase heat transfer is very important in process and power engineering for safety, reliability, and efficiency. In this aspect, boiling is particularly interesting and complex phenomena, which may significantly enhance the heat transfer from the heated surface to the coolant flow. The detailed understanding of these phenomena is of great importance and, as such, is put under investigation in the THELMA laboratory (Thermal-Hydraulics Experimental Laboratory for Multiphase Applications) at the Reactor Engineering Division at Jožef Stefan Institute (Slovenia).

17 May 2021 | IRSN

Ten years after signing its charter on openness to society, IRSN has published a report that summarize its action in this specific domain, between scientific experts and citizens.



17 May 2021 | GRS

Scientists at GRS use a simulation software to calculate the spread of SARS-CoV-2 aerosols. The program was designed to analyse incidents and accidents in containments of nuclear power plants, but has been adapted and validated for corona aerosols.

17 May 2021 | JSI

The ENEEP is an open platform for any European university or European research institute actively involved in education, training, and competence building in the nuclear field.

17 May 2021 | IRSN

The ageing and the prolongation live duration of old nuclear power plants is an essential topic in term of safety challenges.


17 May 2021 | GRS

On April 26th the Chernobyl disaster was 35 years ago. How is the situation on the site today? Which works are currently going on? And how is taken care of the radioactive waste?



* The responsibility for the content of news provided by ETSON member organisation lies solely with the respective ETSON member. The views and opinions expressed in news content provided by ETSON member organisations do not necessarily reflect those of ETSON.


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