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News from ETSON and its members*

26 Sep 2022 | NRA

NRA Secretariat experts developed an empirical method for estimating source vicinity ground-motion levels on hard bedrock and annual exceedance probabilities for inland crustal earthquakes with sources difficult to identify in advance.

26 Sep 2022 | LEI

For the examination of plasma and impurity transport in the DT experimental campaign, energy balance, dependency on discharge, and the time evolution of radiation loss profiles are provided by LEI scientists. Indeed, the record braking pulse  is also being analyzed here at LEI.

26 Sep 2022 | ENEA

Safety Analyses of SMR with Passive Mitigation strategies - Severe Accident (SASPAM-SA) project proposal has been submitted and has been founded in HORIZON-EURATOM-2021-NRT-01-01, “Safety of operating nuclear power plants and research reactors”. The project is coordinated by ENEA (Italy) and its key objective  is to investigate the applicability and transfer of the operating large-LWR reactor knowledge and know-how to the near-term deployment of iPWR, in the view of severe accident  and emergency planning zone  European licensing analyses needs.

26 Sep 2022 | NRA

NRA conducted tube burst tests and post-test analyses on high-burnup spent nuclear fuel claddings to investigate the condition for the occurrence of macroscopic hydrogen-induced ductile-brittle transition at operational temperatures with quantitative consideration of precipitated Zr hydrides' morphology.

26 Sep 2022 | NRA

We have developed a debris bed formation prediction method that takes into account accident scenarios and physical properties by providing THERMOS with the analysis results in MELCOR.

30 Apr 2022 | ETSON

The Fukushima events have highlighted the need for improved safety approaches and numerical tools to assess hydrogen risk. In this regard and under the auspices of ETSON, two main projects are underway. The first is to organize benchmarks for hydrogen combustion codes and the second is to develop Technical Safety Assessment Guidelines (TSAG) for hydrogen risk assessment expected to be completed by the end of 2022. 

30 Apr 2022 | SURO

SÚRO v.v.i. together with ÚJV Řež, a.s. and Centrum výzkumu Řež s.r.o. received from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TAČR) the TAČR 2021 Award in the category "GOVERNANCE" for the project "Computational model for thermomechanical behaviour of a fuel rod with the inclusion of degradation processes of nuclear fuel coverage" (TRANSURANUS Project). 

30 Apr 2022 | GRS

GRS experts develop computational code that can be used to simulate muon radiographic images in order to test the suitability of the method for examining storage casks for spent fuel assemblies.

30 Apr 2022 | JSI

In the framework of the EU-funded project “ENEEP – European Nuclear Experimental Educational Platform”, a demonstration course titled “Experimental Reactor Physics” was successfully carried out at the Jožef Stefan Institute for a group of 10 students in February 2022.

30 Apr 2022 | IRSN

As part of the radiological monitoring of workers exposed to ionizing radiation, IRSN provides dosimetry services by continuing its R&D efforts to make available state-of-the-art dosimeters. This is the case for the "new generation" RPL-neutron dosimeter, which was put into service on January 1, 2022. 



* The responsibility for the content of news provided by ETSON member organisation lies solely with the respective ETSON member. The views and opinions expressed in news content provided by ETSON member organisations do not necessarily reflect those of ETSON.


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