International support for the Turkish Nuclear Regulator (NDK)
In the past, the Czech State office for Nuclear Safety (SÚJB) and its TSO – National Radiation Protection Institute (SÚRO) have participated in European Commission projects under the European Instrument for International Nuclear Safety Cooperation (INSC), always as members of consortia led by other organisations involved in nuclear safety.
In 2023, coordination within the Czech Republic was transferred from SÚJB to SÚRO. The first project coordinated by SÚRO is the Nuclear Safety Culture 2022 - Component D: Türkiye, Further strengthening the nuclear safety and radioprotection regulator in Türkiye (TR3.01/22).
The objective of this second INSC project for the Turkish Nuclear Regulator (NDK) is to further strengthen the NDK's capabilities in a number of areas of nuclear safety oversight and radiation protection. These areas under the project are:
1. Regulatory frameworks for decommissioning of research reactors and radiation facilities and for near surface radioactive waste disposal
1.1 Decommissioning of research reactors and radiation facilities
1.2 Near surface radioactive waste disposal
2. Improved framework for regulating the safety of NPP
2.1 Ageing management
2.2 Operating experience feedback (OEF)
2.3 Personnel qualifications
2.4 Monitoring, evaluation and regulation of safety culture
3. Improved system of regulatory control for the commissioning and early operation of NPP
3.1 Regulatory control over first fuel loading and refuelling outages
3.2 Regulatory framework for commissioning and its application
3.3 Regulatory framework for risk informed decision making
3.4 Instrumentation and control (I&C) systems important to safety
4. Improved inspection and surveillance of NPP and the transport of radioactive material
4.1 Inspection and surveillance of NPP
4.2 Inspection of the transport of radioactive material
5. Improved review and assessment of safety analyses for the transport of radioactive material
6. Improved emergency preparedness and response
7. Improved regulatory framework for radiation safety
The project is coordinated by ENCO Consulting Ges. M. B. H. Other members of the consortium are Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration, Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic, and Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority.
Experts from SÚRO and SÚJB are involved in all these areas, with the largest contribution in the areas of decommissioning of research reactors and radiation facilities and for near surface radioactive waste disposal, operational experience feedback, inspections, and regulatory control for the commissioning and early operation of NPPs.
The project is progressing broadly as expected, with work in some areas almost complete and others recently started. The project is expected to be completed in 2027.
Luboš Pelikán