17 Feb 2025 International support for the Turkish Nuclear Regulator (NDK)

In the past, the Czech State office for Nuclear Safety (SÚJB) and its TSO – National Radiation Protection Institute (SÚRO) have participated in European Commission projects under the European Instrument for International Nuclear Safety Cooperation (INSC), always as members of consortia led by other organisations involved in nuclear safety.

30 Apr 2022 Award by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic NP Award by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

SÚRO v.v.i. together with ÚJV Řež, a.s. and Centrum výzkumu Řež s.r.o. received from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TAČR) the TAČR 2021 Award in the category "GOVERNANCE" for the project "Computational model for thermomechanical behaviour of a fuel rod with the inclusion of degradation processes of nuclear fuel coverage" (TRANSURANUS Project). 

30 Apr 2022 Securing nuclear fuel for European research reactors NP Securing nuclear fuel for European research reactors

One of the biggest challenges for today's European research reactors is the sustainability of their operation and the related need to secure the supply of nuclear fuel. Two groups of research reactors are particularly affected by this challenge.

30 Apr 2022 An automated system for surveillance and assessment of airborne radioactivity  NP An automated system for surveillance and assessment of airborne radioactivity

A team of young researchers at the National Radiation Protection Institute in Prague uses state-of-the-art tools to measure and instantly visualise current radiological and meteorological data, making the results ready for interpretation in a matter of seconds.

11 Oct 2021 National Radiation Protection Institute as the youngest member of ETSON Newspicture National Radiation Protection Institute as the youngest member of ETSON

The National Radiation Protection Institute - SÚRO v.v.i. - became the youngest member of ETSON from January 1, 2021. It replaced the Research Centre Řež (CV Rez), which had been the TSO in the Czech Republic since 2011. 

11 Oct 2021 Award of the Minister of the Interior of the Czech Republic for Extraordinary Results in the Field of Security Research for 2021 Newspicture Award of the Minister of the Interior of the Czech Republic for Extraordinary Results in the Field of Security Research for 2021

The Award of the Minister of the Interior of the Czech Republic for Extraordinary Results in the Field of Security Research, Experimental Development and Innovation for year 2021 was won by a team from National Radiation Protection Institute (SÚRO) and from NUVIA Czech Republic. The award was handed over on 30 September 2021 at the headquarters of SÚRO.

11 Oct 2021 Interactive e-learning for radiation protection Newspicture Interactive e-learning for radiation protection

Today, in the COVID era, there is a rise of an online distance learning/teaching. Often, it was the only way how to provide education or training. Our institute - The National Radiation Protection Institute of The Czech Republic (SÚRO) - was also forced to adapt distance teaching tools. 

26 Apr 2021 National Radiation Protection Institute (SÚRO) introduction newspicture Introduction of the National Radiation Protection Institute (SÚRO), Czech Republic

The National Radiation Protection Institute (SURO) is a non-profit organization established by the State Office for Nuclear Safety (SUJB, Czech regulatory authority in the field of in the peaceful utilisation of nuclear energy and ionizing radiation) in 1995.

26 Apr 2021 Experience from a targeted professional disinformation campaign in the field of radiation protection in 2017

In the area of radiation protection, many subjects influence laypeople´s attitudes. In the last years, media became a powerful player in this field. In this perspective the problem arises that it is possible to misuse the media for political or ideological purposes. The Czech Republic faced a professional disinformation campaign in the field of radiation protection for the first time in 2017.

26 Apr 2021 Large scale monitoring of radioiodine in thyroid: equipment and preparedness in the Czech Republic newspicture Large scale monitoring of radioiodine in thyroid: equipment and preparedness in the Czech Republic

A system has been developed by SÚRO in the collaboration with the company Envinet, a.s. (now NUVIA) for the large-scale monitoring of accidental radioiodine thyroid dose in population. Six gamma-ray spectrometry scintillation units equipped with collimators are connected to at least two PC stations for registration of measured subjects and operation of the units.