28 Dec 2022 Mochovce NPP Unit 3 commissioning begun Newspicture Mochovce NPP Unit 3 commissioning begun

VUJE participation at Mochovce NPP Unit 3 commissioning.

28 Dec 2022 VUJE supplies diagnostic system (DS) to Mochovce MO34 nuclear power plant Newsletter VUJE supplies diagnostic system (DS) to Mochovce MO34 nuclear power plant

The Mochovce NPP Unit 3 is expected to be fully operational in 2023. Along with the commissioning of the NPP Mochovce Unit 3, the commissioning of the operational diagnostics system of the primary circuit also takes place. 

22 Feb 2022 Creation of the material archive from decommissioned V1 NPP newspicture Creation of the material archive from decommissioned V1 NPP

VUJE in a consortium with other partners is implementing the Project: “D4.2 Dismantling of Reactor Coolant System Large Components” being a crucial part of V1 Nuclear Power Plant (two units with VVER– 440 reactors located in Jaslovské Bohunice site in Slovakia). In Cooperation with the company JAVYS, a material archive and a related database including all relevant information to specific material parts is created in order to LTO support of the operated units. 

22 Feb 2022 New full scope newspicture New full scope simulator delivery for NPP V2 Jaslovské Bohunice

New FSS NPP V2 Jaslovské Bohunice is constructed by company VUJE and will be delivered to Slovenské elektrárne in beginning of 2022. After 12 months from beginning of works the new FSS is currently assembled in FSS room. The FAT and SAT tests has to start after finishing of assembly and after a final approval by Slovak regulatory authority ÚJD SR with preliminary date of start of operation in May 2022.  

22 Sep 2021 Current status in decommissioning of V1 NPP primary circuit contaminated components  Newspicture Current status in decommissioning of V1 NPP primary circuit contaminated components

From October 2017, the Consortium Westinghouse Electric Spain, Westinghouse Electric Sweden and VUJE is implementing the Project: “D4.2 Dismantling of Reactor Coolant System Large Components” being a crucial part of V1 Nuclear Power Plant (two units with VVER– 440 reactors located in Jaslovské Bohunice site in Slovakia) decommissioning process managed by Slovak company Jadrová a vyraďovacia spoločnosť (JAVYS) and co-funded by the European Union through the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

22 Sep 2021 Aerial inspections of power lines contribute to the reliability of the operation of nuclear power plants Newspicture Aerial inspections of power lines contribute to the reliability of the operation of nuclear power plants

Aerial inspections of electric overhead lines are a suitable tool to increase their reliability and thus also have an impact on increasing the reliability of the operation of nuclear power plants.

22 Sep 2021 VUJE supplies monitoring system to Hanhikivi-1 nuclear power plant Newspicture VUJE supplies monitoring system to Hanhikivi-1 nuclear power plant

At the end of 2020, VUJE concluded a contract for the supply of the Hydraulic Shock Absorber Monitoring System (HSAMS) in connection with the construction of Hanhikivi 1 nuclear power plant.


Hydrogen Concentration Measurement System (HCMS) of 3rd generation for NPPs operating with VVER-440, VVER-1000 reactor types, designed and qualified for LOCA and severe accidents.

26 Apr 2021 Use of artificial intelligence for the needs of the transmission system operator newspicture Use of artificial intelligence for the needs of the transmission system operator

Artificial intelligence methods are widely used in various areas of life. Even in the power engineering it is possible to solve many tasks using artificial intelligence and machine learning methods.

26 Apr 2021 SafeG: SAFETY OF GFR THROUGH INNOVATIVE MATERIALS, TECHNOLOGIES AND PROCESSES newspicture SafeG: Safety of GFR through Innovative Materials, Technologies and Processes

The SafeG project was recently approved for co-financing by the EC within the H2020 Euratom programme. SafeG project, coordinated by VUJE company, gathers 15 research organizations and universities from Europe and Japan. The global objective is to further develop the GFR technology and strengthen its safety by solving the open issues concerning the GFR technology and it´s demonstrator ALLEGRO.