News from ETSON and its members*
News from ETSON and its members*
Knowledge about the origin, propagation and suppression of fires is essential for assessing fire safety of nuclear installations. For this reason, GRS is continuously participating in fire related international research activities carried out under the auspices of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA).
Claystone, salt rock or granite are considered suitable host rocks for a radioactive waste repository in Germany. In a current project carried out in the GRS Geoscientific Laboratory, researchers investigate how the properties of claystone formations might be influenced by the waste emplaced.
In interventional radiology, diagnostic or therapeutic medical interventions can be performed while monitoring them simultaneously, often by means of X-ray imaging. GRS scientists are developing a 3D-simulation model that will allow to draw conclusions on how to further optimise the radiation protection for the medical staff involved.
Team of Scientific and Technical Support of Commissioning was formed in VUJE, a.s. to independently supervise the observance of nuclear safety principles during the preparation and performance of Mochovce NPP Units 3&4 commissioning.
The PASCAL project was recently approved for co-financing by the EC within the H2020 Euratom programme. PASCAL, gathering 16 European organizations, is aimed at generating new quality experimental data supporting the pre-licensing processes of the two ESNII heavy-liquid-metal-cooled systems: ALFRED and MYRRHA.
An innovative twist on an established technology has created a powerful new tool for characterisation of radioactive material.
During the month of June 2020 several anomalous measurements of radioactive nuclides have been recorded in Scandinavia and Eastern Europe. ENEA has performed isotopic ratios and atmospheric dispersion analyses in order to pinpoint a possible region of origin of the radioactive material.
From October 2017, the Consortium Westinghouse Electric Spain, Westinghouse Electric Sweden and VUJE is implementing the Project: “D4.2 Dismantling of Reactor Coolant System Large Components” being one of the most important project of V1 Nuclear Power Plant (two units with VVER– 440 reactors located in Jaslovské Bohunice site in Slovakia) decommissioning process managed by Slovak company Jadrová a vyraďovacia spoločnosť (JAVYS, a.s.) and co-funded by the European Union through the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). Project has to be developed in a tight period, and this has resulted in the design of specific technical strategies and solutions.
Specially designed and manufactured equipment is being used to perform underwater segmentation of the first ever VVER-440 reactor to be decommissioned.
In the years 2018 to 2020, the company VUJE, a.s. supplied the system for monitoring the concentration of hydrogen in the containment for beyond design basis accidents in Rivne Nuclear Power Plant (RNPP) Units 3 and 4. The system was delivered to RNPP as part of the implementation of measures within the Complex Consolidated Safety Upgrade Program for the Ukraine Nuclear Power Plants.
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