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News from ETSON and its members*

16 Nov 2020 | SSTC NRS

While the entire world is facing the disease caused by СОVID-19 coronavirus infection, it is required to combine forces and implement urgent measures to ensure safety of the public. Following many countries, in the spring Ukraine entered a quarantine regime, continuing to day, and limited certain activities. However, the most important and most effective measure is conscious responsibility of each person.


16 Nov 2020 | SSTC NRS

The State Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SSTC NRS) of Ukraine and the U.S. NuScale Power Company signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) providing for review of national regulatory and design documents related to the implementation of the NuScale technology for the construction of small modular reactors (SMRs) in Ukraine. The MoU was signed by SSTC NRS Director, Ihor Shevchenko, from the Ukrainian side and by NuScale Power’s Chief Operating Officer and Chief Nuclear Officer, Dale Atkinson, from the U.S. side.


16 Nov 2020 | SSTC NRS

The State Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety presents a new design of the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Journal.
Last year, we presented a new identity of our company and now we have an updated journal design owing to the joint efforts of all editorial board members. It became more up-to-date, bright and no less relevant.


16 Nov 2020 | SURO

In December 2020, the 4-year period of building the Nuclear Safety Department at the National of Radiation Protection Institute Safety (SURO, v.v.i) will be closed and thus the transfer of the TSO function from Research Centre Rez to SURO will be completed. The whole process was based on the document “SUJB Support Section (TSO) for the field of nuclear safety in SURO, v.v.i. - Strategy 2017-2020 “.

16 Nov 2020 | ETSON

On November 3, four young experts from ETSON member organisations competed in an online science slam for this year´s ETSON Award. The event, won by an IRSN researcher and his team, had been organised by the network´s Junior Staff Programm.

16 Nov 2020 | SURO

The award of the Minister of the Interior of the Czech Republic for extraordinary results in the field of security research was won by a research team composed of representatives of the Research Center Rez and the Czech Technical University in Prague.


16 Nov 2020 | GRS

Knowledge about the origin, propagation and suppression of fires is essential for assessing fire safety of nuclear installations. For this reason, GRS is continuously participating in fire related international research activities carried out  under the auspices of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA).

16 Nov 2020 | GRS

Claystone, salt rock or granite are considered suitable host rocks for a radioactive waste repository in Germany. In a current project carried out in the GRS Geoscientific Laboratory, researchers investigate how the properties of claystone formations might be influenced by the waste emplaced.

16 Nov 2020 | GRS

In interventional radiology, diagnostic or therapeutic medical interventions can be performed while monitoring them simultaneously, often by means of X-ray imaging. GRS scientists are developing a 3D-simulation model that will allow to draw conclusions on how to further optimise the radiation protection for the medical staff involved.

15 Oct 2020 | Vuje

Team of Scientific and Technical Support of Commissioning was formed in VUJE, a.s. to independently supervise the observance of nuclear safety principles during the preparation and performance of Mochovce NPP Units 3&4 commissioning.



* The responsibility for the content of news provided by ETSON member organisation lies solely with the respective ETSON member. The views and opinions expressed in news content provided by ETSON member organisations do not necessarily reflect those of ETSON.


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