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News from ETSON and its members*

17 Aug 2020 | VTT

The objective of the Finnish Research Programme on Nuclear Power Plant Safety 2019-2022 (SAFIR2022) is to ensure that should new matters related to the safe use of nuclear power plants arise, the authorities possess sufficient technical expertise and other competence required for rapidly determining the significance of the matters.

17 Aug 2020 | VTT

Coordinated public research programmes on nuclear waste management have been active in Finland since 1989. 

17 Aug 2020 | VTT

VTT continues to support Finland progressing towards having the first-in-the-world licenced deep geological repository for spent nuclear fuel. 

17 Aug 2020 | GRS

In a recent virtual workshop of the European Technical Safety Organisations Network (ETSON), nuclear safety experts of the network´s member organisations explored the consequences of the current Covid-19 pandemic for nuclear safety and discussed respective countermeasures.

30 Apr 2020 | ENEA

PERSEO is a full scale facility aimed at studying a new passive decay heat removal system operating in natural circulation.

30 Apr 2020 | ENEA

Unexpected methane and CO2 releases from the ground and noble and conventional gases in groundwater could be favored by stress produced by geological and seismic phenomena.

30 Apr 2020 | ENEA

SIET S.p.A. is a small joint-stock company with public and private capital, ENEA is the main shareholder.

30 Apr 2020 | ENEA

Thanks to funding from the Emilia Romagna Region, a new Science Park is under development in the outskirts of Bologna to host several scientific and technological agencies and institutions of national and international relevance.

16 Jan 2020 | NRA

The seawall is one of the main coastal protection structures against tsunamis. Estimating tsunami wave pressures on a structure is quite important when designing seawalls.

16 Jan 2020 | NRA

Uranium is an important nuclear material and contaminant with respect to the sites of uranium mining and whole nuclear facilities.



* The responsibility for the content of news provided by ETSON member organisation lies solely with the respective ETSON member. The views and opinions expressed in news content provided by ETSON member organisations do not necessarily reflect those of ETSON.


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