News from ETSON and its members*
News from ETSON and its members*
The State Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SSTC NRS) adheres to its mission of scientific and technical support for state regulation of nuclear and radiation safety in Ukraine to protect the public and the environment against man-made radiological effects and recognizes that comprehensive development and expansion of capabilities are among its responsibilities.
In April, the licensing process for operation of the dry interim spent fuel storage facility (ISF-2) at the Chornobyl NPP is to be completed.
With the formation and development of nuclear industry in Ukraine, it became obvious that a scientific and technical journal which would openly discuss safety issues of nuclear technology should be established. For this purpose, the State Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SSTC NRS), jointly with the Odessa State Polytechnic University, founded Nuclear and Radiation Safety Journal in 1998. March 2021 marks the 23rd anniversary of the first issue of Nuclear and Radiation Safety Journal.
Upon review of the Periodic Safety Review Report for Rivne-1, the Board of the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine allowed long-term operation of Rivne-1 until 22 December 2030.
The National Radiation Protection Institute (SURO) is a non-profit organization established by the State Office for Nuclear Safety (SUJB, Czech regulatory authority in the field of in the peaceful utilisation of nuclear energy and ionizing radiation) in 1995.
In the area of radiation protection, many subjects influence laypeople´s attitudes. In the last years, media became a powerful player in this field. In this perspective the problem arises that it is possible to misuse the media for political or ideological purposes. The Czech Republic faced a professional disinformation campaign in the field of radiation protection for the first time in 2017.
A system has been developed by SÚRO in the collaboration with the company Envinet, a.s. (now NUVIA) for the large-scale monitoring of accidental radioiodine thyroid dose in population. Six gamma-ray spectrometry scintillation units equipped with collimators are connected to at least two PC stations for registration of measured subjects and operation of the units.
The new automatic high efficiency gamma spectrometric measuring system was developed in close cooperation of SURO, Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, Czech Technical University in Prague and NUVIA company. The equipment is intended for sensitive measurement in deep underground laboratories such as LSM Modane (“Zero dose environment“).
Low radon cleanroom for surface or underground laboratories is a new technology able to achieve at the same time very low aerosol concentrations in terms of ISO standard (ISO 1999) and very low radon concentration levels of 10-100 mBq·m-3 (reduce radon concentration in comparison to outdoor by a factor 1000).
In the field of emergency preparedness we can see a general trend to maximize utilization of continuous measurements performed by automatic and autonomous devices. National Radiation Protection Institute (SURO) in collaboration with NUVIA introduced an automatic “stand-alone” system for continuous monitoring of artificial gamma radioactivity in surface water bodies.
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