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News from ETSON and its members*

30 Aug 2021 | PSI

Switzerland plans to construct an underground repository for its radioactive waste by 2050. Three sites are under consideration. Researchers at PSI are providing data that will help in determining which is most suitable.

30 Aug 2021 | ENEA

Instead of automated sampling for noble gases and analysing stations, manual system can be used to better accommodate costs for the equipment and flexibility of usage. One of this system has been developed by the Traceability Laboratory at the ENEA Research center of Brasimone, which was specially designed in order to keep the sampling equipment separate from the processing and measurement.

30 Aug 2021 | SEC NRS

For the period from 12th to 16th of July 2021, Ural Interregional Territorial Department of  Rostechnadzor for supervision of nuclear and radiation safety carried out an inspection of the completed construction of Cyclotron Centre for Nuclear Medicine with proton accelerator

30 Aug 2021 | PSI

An issue of Chimia was published about the status of radiochemistry research in Switzerland.

30 Aug 2021 | ENEA

In the framework of the NUGENIA TA2 ASCOM collaborative project, the analyses of the capability of ASTEC code to simulate SMR phenomena/processes in DBA and postulated BDBA scenarios are currently under investigation.The current status of the activity is here summarized.

30 Aug 2021 | SEC NRS

On August 16, 2021, as part of the visit of the high-level delegation of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh to Russia, Ziaul Hasan, Deputy Minister of Science and Technology of Bangladesh, Haque Md. Muzammel, Chairman of the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory Authority (BAERA), and Akbar Mohammad Shawkat, Director of Rooppur NPP Project, the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC), visited Rostechnadzor to discuss licensing issues in the implementation of the Rooppur NPP construction project

30 Aug 2021 | SEC NRS

Rostechnadzor and the Egyptian Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority (ENRRA) held a coordination meeting via videoconference on August 11, 2021.

30 Aug 2021 | SEC NRS

Issue No.2 of 2021 of the "Nuclear and Radiation Safety" Periodical has come out to become the one hundredth jubilee issue since the year of foundation 1998.

30 Aug 2021 | SEC NRS

The Computer Code "Calculator of Radiation and Thermophysical Characteristics of Spent Nuclear Fuel (v2.0)" was introduced into the Registry of Computer Codes under the registry No. 2021617328 dated of 13.05.2021.

22 Jul 2021 | LEI

Women in Fusion Side Event, was held on Wednesday 12 May during the IAEA FEC2020 virtual conference. A group of women panellists, ranging from the highly experienced to newly coined PhDs, discussed the challenges of having a successful career in nuclear physics and nuclear engineering, a mainly male-dominated field.



* The responsibility for the content of news provided by ETSON member organisation lies solely with the respective ETSON member. The views and opinions expressed in news content provided by ETSON member organisations do not necessarily reflect those of ETSON.


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