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News from ETSON and its members*

18 Jan 2021 | ETSON

The European Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Management (EURAD) will help the EU member states to obtain the know-how required to implement safe and long-term management of radioactive waste.

18 Jan 2021 | VTT

The work on Kraken started recently and has proceeded to the first validation calculations for operating cycle simulations. Transient simulations will soon follow.

18 Jan 2021 | RATEN ICN

A device for efficient calibration of the SRS QMS 200 gas analyzer was designed, manufactured and tested at RATEN ICN.

18 Jan 2021 | GRS

Aerosols contaminated with SARS-CoV-2 are deemed to be one of the main causes for Covid-19 infections.
A team of researchers at GRS has used simulation software from nuclear engineering to calculate the dispersion of respective aerosols in rooms.


16 Dec 2020 | IRSN

Over the coming decades, a large number of nuclear reactors will be decommissioned and dismantled to enable environmental mediation.  
The aim of the H2020 LD SAFE project IRSN participates in is to characterize and review the assessment of the risks associated with the laser cutting technology.

16 Dec 2020 | IRSN

Since the nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi complex in 2011, IRSN has conducted research as part of the PRIODAC program to examine procedures for administering stable iodine to people in the event of repeated or prolonged radioactive releases. The program, which aims to set forth guidelines to be used by the authorities in charge of protecting the population, has been extended for three more years.

16 Dec 2020 | IRSN

IRSN takes part in an international crisis exercise jointly organized by France and the IAEA.

16 Dec 2020 | EK CER

The stress-test performed after the events of Fukushima revealed the vulnerability of the environmental protection system of Paks NPP to earthquakes and station blackout. Project has been launched to improve the resistance of the system.

16 Dec 2020 | ETSON

At the end of 2020, the operation of new VVER-440 lead test assemblies optimized for the water-uranium ratio will start at the Paks Nuclear Power Plant. With the introduction of new fuel, fewer fresh assemblies will be needed for refuelling of the reactor.

16 Dec 2020 | ETSON

Scientists of the Centre for Energy Research (EK) studied the activation susceptibility of the pebble-sand fraction of radiation-shielding concretes around nuclear reactors. During the project, a strong research network was formed with the Czech, Polish, Slovakian and Korean participants of the RADCON project.



* The responsibility for the content of news provided by ETSON member organisation lies solely with the respective ETSON member. The views and opinions expressed in news content provided by ETSON member organisations do not necessarily reflect those of ETSON.


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